Dublin M50 Barrier Free Tolling
Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) has introduced a 'No Barrier Tolling' system on the Dublin M50 motorway between Junction 6 (N3 Blanchardstown) and Junction 7 (N4 Lucan). There is no toll barrier or tolling booth stand therefore no cash payment facility is available at the tolling point.
All Hertz vehicles have been registered with the Toll operator and therefore Hertz will be charged automatically for each toll incurred.
The following toll fees will be charged to you by Hertz:
Standard Cars - EUR 3.70 per usage
Cargo Vans - EUR 4.70 up to EUR 6.30 per usage
Hertz will be advised after the rental of the toll charge accrued for each rental and will charge your credit card separately.
IMPORTANT: Please do not pay these charges directly as this will result in duplicate payment which will be impossible to identify.
To request an invoice for M50 toll charges please email: customerservices@hertz.ie
All other Toll Roads
Please note cash payment facilities are available at tolling booths on all other toll roads in Ireland.